Museum of London, Barbican (6), London

Some weapons and tools in the 'London before London' gallery.
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A Roman mosaic floor displayed as part of a Roman living room in the Roman London gallery. This is an original mosaic floor which was excavated in London from a Roman house of around 120-125 AD.
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A model of St. Pauls Cathedral as it would have been before it was destroyed in the Great Fire of London. It was, of course, replaced by the current building designed by Sir Christopher Wren.
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A model showing the construction of a typical timber-framed building of the sort which made up London before the Great Fire. The small platform sticking out on the ground floor is a serving platform and shows that this was a shop.
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A painting showing what it must have looked like during the Great Fire of London.
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The actual, not a reproduction, Lord Mayor's State Coach used in official prcessions.
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