The Presteigne Area (2)
Attractive colour-washed cottages, Presteigne, Radnorshire

Broad Street, Presteigne.

These attractive colour-washed cottages are to be found in Broad Street and are just some of the wide variety of architectural styles found in the street.


The old bridge, Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales

The old packhorse bridge, Presteigne.

This 17th century bridge, built of roughly coursed sandstone, over the River Lugg is on the boundary between Radnorshire in Wales and Herefordshire in England.


View of Brink Lane, Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales

Brink Lane, Presteigne.

A little north of the old bridge is Brink Lane which is an old unsurfaced track or byeway and is a public right of way.


Countryside view, Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales

A countryside view, Presteigne.

Herefordshire countryside seen from the road from Prestegne which runs past Stapleton Castle.


View of the castle ruins, Presteigne, Radnorshire.

Stapleton Castle ruins, Presteigne.

Stapleton Castle is part medieval castle, probably built in the 12th century, and part Elizabethan Manor House which was part of remodelling in the 16th century.

It is not generally open to the public but the gardens are open on occasions.
