
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain

The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
Blue Anchor, Somerset, England

Blue Anchor.
This picture shows a distinct fault in the cliffs, at the east end of the bay, showing the red sandstone of late Triassic age against the blue shales of the Lower Jurassic. A small gully has formed between the two caused by erosion along the fault line.
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Blue Anchor.
A small piece of the Rheatic Bone Bed from the shore at Blue Anchor.
There are numerous fragmentary remains showing in this specimen two of which have been marked.
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Blue Anchor.
Weathered Gypsum (the pink substance) on the surface of a large boulder and Gypsum layers showing in the side of the same boulder and in the cliff in the background.
Gypsum is the mineral form of Calcium Sulphate.
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