The River Dee, Chester (9), Cheshire.

The outside surface of the city wall on the left is shown here and the grey pedestrian suspension bridge over the river is visible in the distance.
Between the city wall and the lamppost you will be able to see part of one of the river cruisers, moored by the Groves, which give trips on the river.
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This view is taken from the Old Dee Bridge looking upstream.
If you look closely at the larger picture about half-way along the left-hand half of the weir you will see someting standing on the top edge. That is a Heron. I have not seen one in a city before as they are reasonably shy birds. One of the locals told me it is often seen there.
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This view is of the River Dee, looking upstream, from the top of Bridgegate showing the walkway on top of the city wall with the modern promenade, known as The Groves, below.
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What does this have to do with the River Dee? This view is taken from the same place, the top of Bridgegate, as the previous view but looking in the opposite direction.
The nearest timber-framed building is the 17th century Bear and Billet. The building on it's far side, in spite of the Georgian front, is probably older than the ones either side of it. One of the timbers in the stair well has been dated to the early 12th century making it the oldest timber-framed building in Chester.
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