Bridport (2), Dorset
Another view of Bridport Museum, Bridport, Dorset, England, Great Britain
Bridport, Dorset

The Bridport Museum, in South Street, is worth a visit and it has some fine local fossil specimens as well as other exhibits. Entry is free.


Ammonite with Septae, Bridport, Dorset, England, Great Britain
Bridport, Dorset

This fine specimen of an ammonite is really quite large and shows, very well, the internal septae.


A finely ribbed Ammonite, Bridport, Dorset, England, Great Britain
Bridport, Dorset

This specimen of a large ammonite is finely ribbed.


A collection of fossilised Crinoids, Bridport, Dorset, England, Great Britain
Bridport, Dorset

A collection of fossilised Crinoids sometimes called Sea Lilies although they are animals not plants.


The Ackerman Loom, Bridport Museum, Bridport, Dorset, England, Great Britain
Bridport, Dorset

This mechanical Loom was made by Richard Samson and was converted to electric power by James Ackerman around 1945.
