
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain

The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
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I think that this building looks so modern and old but inside, if you take a good look, it looks like it's just been built but there are loads of cob webs and dust. I wonder if the building is old. If so I would like to know how old. Could you please tell me how old this building is?
Stasha Puddepha, Lavenham Suffolk Sun 8th Feb 2009
This church was built in the 15th century which would make it somewhere between 500 and 600 years old.
Barry, BeenThere-DoneThat Sun 8th Feb 2009
If you climb to the top there is a great view from there. I have been to this village numerous times as I use to live 20 miles from it for about 4 years.
Floyd Lail, Hickory NC, USA Wed 1st Dec 2010
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