
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain

The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
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My mother's family comes from Staithes. My grandfather worked in the iron ore mines in Skinninggrove but, due to an accident he had there, he had to retire and became the cobbler of Staithes. My great grandmother was the village mid-wife her name being Eliza Earl. Grandfather owned two cottages in Staithes; Kirk Cottage and Unity House where I was born in 1947, christened at the church over the road, St.Peters, Grandads name being Ernest Gibbons, Grannies name being Elizabeth. My grandfather's family was very musical with him playing the accordian, Uncle Ernie on the mandoline and my aunt Dorothy on piano. Lots of sad times too with Aunt Nell dying of T.B. at 19 and my half brother 13 months same illness.
Janet Phelps, Gloucester, U.K
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