More of Neath Abbey, Glamorgan
The Nave, Neath Abbey, Neath, Glamorgan
Neath Abbey.

Looking along the nave, through the crossing, with the remains of two column bases in the foreground.


A Vaulted Ceiling, Neath Abbey, Neath, Glamorgan
Neath Abbey.

A nice vaulted ceiling within the lay brothers accommodation.

Long after the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII an iron works grew up next to the monastry ruins and waste material from that works apparently covered the ruins. However in the 1920s a group of local archaelogists began to uncover the ruins and removed 7000 tons of waste.


The Tudor Mansion, Neath Abbey, Neath, Glamorgan
Neath Abbey.

A view of the whole of the Tudor Mansion ruins.

At the dissolution of the monsateries by Henry VIII the abbey was turned into a large estate, initially granted to Richard Williams, although by 1600 it was owned by Sir John Herbert, and had this Tudor mansion occupying a part of the cloisters.


Tudor windows, Neath Abbey, Neath, Glamorgan
Neath Abbey.

This shows a small part of the Tudor Mansion. The mansion was inhabited for only about 100 years and was eventually abandoned because of the nearby industrial activity.
