Hereford Cathedral (2), Hereford, Herefordshire, England

The Norman Font is the white bowl with decorative arches and dates from the middle of the 12th century. The rest of the stand is much later.
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St John's Walk is a covered 16th century Tudor walkway, which links the cathedral to the College Cloisters, and has carved roof timbers of particular significance.
When this walkway was recently restored the lost tombstone of Gilbert Swinfield, Canon Chancellor of the Cathedral in the late thirteenth century, was discovered. It had been trimmed and used, upside down, as a floor slab.
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Chaining books was the most widespread and effective security system in European libraries from the Middle Ages to the 18th century and Hereford Cathedral's 17th century Chained Library is the largest to survive including all its chains, rods and locks.
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This close view shows how a chain is attached at one end to the front cover of each book and the other end is slotted on to a rod running along the bottom of each shelf. This system allows a book to be taken from the shelf and read at the desk, shown at the bottom of the picture, but not to be removed from the bookcase.
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This 13th century map of the world shows how scholars interpreted the world in spiritual as well as geographical terms. It is drawn on a single sheet of Vellum (Calf skin).
Jerusalem is shown at the centre of the map with the British Isles in the bottom left corner.
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This enlarged section of Mappa Mundi shows the British Isles. The long sausage shape is Scotland on the left and England and Wales on the right with the very lowest part being Ireland.
It's geography, Jim, but not as we know it.
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