
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain

The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
Croft Castle House, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England

Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.
The Saloon or Drawing Room is one of the larger rooms and was used for entertaining, social events and relaxation.
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Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.
In the Library there are eight painted bookcases. lettered A to H, which were designed for this room in the 1760s.
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Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.
This rather nice inlaid table is to be found in the Library. The stone is thought to have originated in Italy, especially the small mosaic in the centre, but the table was probably assembled in this country.
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Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.
The Dining Room. The screen of columns on the right of the picture were intended to seperate the area where food would be served from the main part of the room.
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