Fishpool Valley, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England
The Old Pump House, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England, Great Britain
Fishpool Valley, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.

The water in Fishpool Vally comes from two springs and this Gothic style Pump House was built in the late 18th century to pump the spring water up to the house.

Looking through the grill in the doorway enables one to see some of the original machinery.


The Old Pump House Machinery, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England, Great Britain
Fishpool Valley, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.

This shows some of the original machinery including an overshot waterwheel together with some gearing.


Douglas Fir, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England, Great Britain
Fishpool Valley, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.

There are some fine Douglas Firs alongside this path in the valley and there are other fine trees in various places in the valley.

The paths have a reasonable surface for walking and the Fishpool Valley walk is about 1.5 miles.


An Old Lime Kiln, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England, Great Britain
Fishpool Valley, Croft Castle, Yarpole, Herefordshire, England.

The Lime Kiln is toward the top end of Fishpool Valley and is now in a ruinous state. The eastern tunnel, shown here, is in a reasonable condition but the opposite western tunnel has collapsed. The central chargehole is brick-lined but cannot be seen at present.

I can see why they would have sited a kiln here as there is a small limestone cliff just behind it to provide the material to heat in the kiln and the resultant lime would have been used on the fields as a fertiliser.
