The Hemingfords (2) - Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire, England

The same road that runs through Hemingford Abbots now continues into Hemingford Grey as Manor Road with a lovely colour washed old house as a prominent feature here.
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This part of High Street runs down to the River Great Ouse.
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Another part of High Street with a rather splendid timber-framed thatched house..
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The River Great Ouse reached from the bottom of High Street via the footpath which runs past the church.
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The first church on the site was erected around1160 and added to over the next 400 years with extensive restoration in 1859. The church has an unusual feature brought about during a hurricane in 1741 when the spire was blown into the river and was never replaced.
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Hemingford Grey Meadow showing the hay cutting and bailing in progress. The line of trees on the far side is along the River Great Ouse with the spire of one of the churches in St. Ives showing on the other side of the river.
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