Hill Garden and the Hampstead Pergola, London, England
The Hampstead Pergola, Hampstead Heath, London, England, Great Britain
Hampstead, London

This is one stretch of the pergola. The whole pergola is set on a raised bank, so it is well above ground level, and is planted with wisteria and exotic plants.


A Gazebo, Hill Garden, Hampstead Heath, London, England, Great Britain
Hampstead, London

At the end of the long section above we found this little domed gazebo raised above the general level of the pergola which gives access to further sections of this complex pergola. This also acts as a bridge to the other parts of the pergola and passing through gives the view in the next picture.


The Pergola and Inverforth House, Hill Garden, Hampstead Heath, London, England, Great Britain
Hampstead, London

Hill Garden was originally the garden to Inverforth House, originally called Hill House, which was built in 1807 then rebuilt in 1895. The property was aquired in 1925 by Baron Inverforth hence the change of name. That house has since been converted to private apartments and is not open to the public.

The house is shown beyond this section of the pergola.


Pergolas Crossing, Hill Garden, Hampstead Heath, London, England, Great Britain
Hampstead, London

There are a number of points when parts of the pergola cross creating junctions and this is one such junction which forms a sort of arbor. These structures have an open-framed roof of a distinctive shape.


A Path, Hill Garden, Hampstead Heath, London, England, Great Britain
Hampstead, London

There are other parts of Hill Garden apart from the pergola with various paths. The entrance we used was off Inverforth Close which itself is a turning off North End Way. There are a few other entrances including one in Golders Hill Park.

If you like gardens then this is not to be missed. Remember it's free.


Read our report of this trip to Hampstead Heath on the Blog.

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