The Victoria & Albert Museum (2), South Kensington, London

The William & Judith Bollinger Jewellery Galleries showing a rather interesting spiral staircase which leads up to yet another jewellery gallery. If you haven't been here before then you'll see more stupendous jewellery than you've ever seen in your life.
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This is just a small fraction of over 3000 jewellery exhibits, from ancient Greece to the present, in this gallery and shows techincal advances and splendid effects. They certainly are splendid.
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The Ceramics Staircase is a highly decorated staircase and was originally intended to be an example of the good design and manufacture that the Museum wished to promote. It is covered with mosaic, painting and moulded ceramics. Classical in style, this decoration includes ancient Roman gods, masks and symbolic figures such as Art and Science.
The decoration was, apparently, considered contraversial at the time and today I could imagine it being described as rather 'over the top'.
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The Victoria & Albert Museum houses the greatest and most comprehensive collection of Ceramics in the world and this is one of the rooms of the extensive Ceramics Gallery.
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