Venta Silurum, Caerwent, Caldicot, Monmouthshire

On turning right out of the CADW Car Park and walking a short way along the road we soon arrive at the start of the Roman Wall on the left. There is an information board here if you should wish to read it.
The wall, although not at its highest here, can be seen stretching into the distance. You can walk to the right and along the bottom of the wall, which I think is the most interesting, or you can go up some steps on the left to the top of the wall.
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Following the wall from the road to the far corner and turning left the wall begins to get higher.
Amanda standing at the bottom of the wall gives the scale.
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The wall gets even higher and there are places where one can, with care, get from the bottom up to the top or from the top down to the lower level.
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The length of the wall remaining, about a quarter mile (440 yards), is truly astonishing when you remember that it is nearly 2000 years old. We have seen Roman Walls before in places like Colchester in Essex but nothing on this scale.
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