The coast between Porthstinian (St. Justinian) and Porth Clais, Pembrokeshire.

We caught the little Celtic Coaster bus once again from St. David's to Porthstinian and started our walk from the lifeboat station. This view is looking back to the lifeboat station not long after we started.
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Looking towards Porth Clais with the island of Ramsey on the right-hand part of the horizon. A natural rock arch is beginning to form in the small headland.
We were on the stretch of coast which borders the channel between that coast and Ramsey Island when the tide was going out and the speed at which the water was flowing in the channel, and the way it swirled around the rocks, was frightening. Not a good place to be swimming or paddling a small boat at that time.
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The coast path looking back to Porthstinian where the lifeboat station can still be seen. The gate is there to control animals not walkers.
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The coast path can be seen winding it's way around one of the many small coves and inlets along the coast.
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