The Much Wenlock Area, Shropshire, England

This fine timber framed building dates from the 16th century and the Council Chamber is still used for Town Council meetings. It is built on wooden posts with the space underneath enclosed only on three sides leaving the front open.
Holy Trinity Church can be seen just beyond.
We stayed in Much Wenlock, within easy walking distance of the Guildhall, at the Gaskell Arms.
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Holy Trinity Church originates from around the 12th century and has Saxon origins but the main features are the wide Norman nave and chancel. A transitional tower was later added to the west end covering up some fine Norman details.
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Raynald's Mansion, a beautiful timber framed building on the left hand side of the street, is notable for its three bays and its balconies. Although the frontage is 17th century behind it is a medieval hall.
This house is a private residence and is not open to the public.
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This has been a religious site for over 13 centuries but this priory wasn't founded until after the Norman Conquest.
All that survives today of the 350ft long, 13th century church is a wall of the north transept, a substantial section of the south transept, the huge nave column bases and the remains of the Chapter House.
This site is owned by English Heritage and there is an entrance fee.
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