The City Walls (2), York, Yorkshire, England

It's fairly easy to see in this picture how much the wall does undulate at times. I hope you don't get seasick too easily. The wall, at its widest, is just wide enough for two people to walk side by side or for two people to pass.
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Fishergate Tower, not to be confused with Fishergate Bar shown on the previous page, hasn't changed since it was built 500 years ago. This tower was built between 1504 and 1507 replacing an earlier tower called Talkan Tower. Next to the tower are the remains of a small postern gate - the posternam iuxta Skarletpit - meaning the postern next to the Scarlet Pit, presumably a pool in the River Foss.
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Monk Bar with a little bit of the wall showing above the arch. This gateway is in the northern section of the wall where Goodramgate meets Monkgate. This tower is rather interesting inasmuch as there is an access stairway on the left-hand side which is just wide enough for one person. You can see the very narrow doorway bottom left.
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This archway is in the south-west section of the wall where it crosses Station Road. You can see that where the wall reaches a high point over the road some steel railings have been added to stop silly people like you from falling off onto the traffic below.
I haven't been able to find any definitive information but I am fairly sure that this archway is modern - built to allow the busy roads to pass under the wall.
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