Peterborough Cathedral, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England
The West Front, Peterborough Cathedral, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England, Great Britain
Peterborough Cathedral.

A view of the very impressive West Front of Peterborough Cathedral seen from just inside the Cathedral Close. The history of this cathedral goes back 1350 years and the current Norman building is nearing its 900th anniversary. It is one of the most important 12th-century buildings in England to have remained largely intact, despite extensions and restoration.

The West Front is one of the later additions being early English Gothic from the 13th century.


The Nave, Tower and South Transept, Peterborough Cathedral, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England, Great Britain
Peterborough Cathedral.

A view of part of the nave, the central tower and the South Transept. The Norman tower was rebuilt in the Decorated Gothic style between 1350 and 1380.

Apparently part of the foundations of the previous Saxon church remain under the South Transept.


The Cathedral Close, Peterborough Cathedral, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England, Great Britain
Peterborough Cathedral.

A view of the Cathedral Close from the north-west corner of the cathedral with St. Nicholas Gateway in the distance.


The Nave Interior, Peterborough Cathedral, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England, Great Britain
Peterborough Cathedral.

The Nave with the 13th century carved marble font in the foreground. The length of the Nave is 266 feet measured to the start of the Quire and the total length of the cathedral is 479 feet.

It is unusual in an English cathedral to have a clear view from one end to the other, as seen here, as there is often a screen or organ partly blocking the view.

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