Driving in Britain for overseas visitors.

If you want to know about the driving rules, road signs and road markings then The Highway Code is what you want - it has pictures of all road signs and road markings.

Driving in Great Britain - Maps Driving in Great Britain - Road classification Driving in Great Britain - Road features Driving in Great Britain - Parking
Driving in Great Britain - Maps  How will I find my way?  Navigating (Maps & route planning)
Driving in Great Britain - Road classification  What are the roads like?  Road classification
Driving in Great Britain - Road features  What else might I encounter?  Road features
Driving in Great Britain - Parking  What about parking?  Car parking
   Traffic problems in real-time (England only)  Traffic map
   Traffic problems in real-time (Scotland only)  Traffic information
   Traffic problems in real-time (Wales only)  Traffic information

You can read about some Americans' driving experiences in Great Britain:

England, Scotland & Wales
Driving on the left
Overseas visitors driving experiences in Britain

NOTE: Americans consistently tend to under estimate journey driving times in Britain.

The AA Route Planner will give you some idea of driving times, as well as a route, if you can supply a starting point and a destination.

This site will give you more information about British Roads

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