Driving in Britain for overseas visitors - Road features 1.

The road entering from centre left of the picture is a standard single carriageway road - one lane in each direction.
Vehicles can be seen waiting at the entrances to the roundabout for an appropriate gap in the traffic so that they can then enter the roundabout.

Some town roads, where they have to pass through a gateway which was never meant for motor vehicles, have to go down to one lane briefly as shown here. This is not common.
Who gives way to whom? Sometimes there are signs denoting which direction has priority and where such signs are absent it becomes a matter of who gets there first coupled with a certain amount of courtesy.
More width restrictions | Where is this? |

Occasionally you will come across a ford where the road actually goes through a river or stream such as that shown here.
These are not common but they do exist throughout the country invariably on the little back roads. You will not find a ford on an 'A' or 'B' class road. Personally I think that they are rather fun.
Another water feature | Where is this? |

This is a Zebra (pedestrian) crossing where you MUST give way to any pedestrians on the crossing.
You will notice that there are zig-zag lines in the centre of the road and at each side. These are painted on each side of the crossing and indicate that you MUST NOT stop in the marked region unless compelled to do so by traffic conditions and to let pedestrians cross. You are also not permitted to overtake in the marked region.
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