Finchingfield (3), Essex, England

A rather fine Norman doorway in the tower of St. John the Baptist Church.
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The 15th Century Guildhall.
Note the jettied upper storey on this building which was built for the Guild of the Holy Trinity. It is on Church Hill, with the church behind it, and the 15th Century Red Lion Inn can be seen further down on the right.
Note, also, the bright coloured markers on the corner of the building. This is to warn high sided vehicles that if they drive too near the kerb they may hit the upper storey.
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Entrance to the Guildhall and the churchyard.
This archway actually goes right through the building into the churchyard.
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'Cabbaches' - An ancient medieval house.
Walking through the churchyard to the far gate gives us a view of this lovely old house. This is probably one of the finest, and the least altered, medieval houses in the village.
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