Castell Coch, Cardiff, Glamorgan.
Castell Coch, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales, Great Britain.
Castell Coch, Cardiff, Glamorgan

Castell Coch is a 19th-century Gothic Revival castle built above the village of Tongwynlais in South Wales.

This is the entrance arch in the Gatehouse which does look a little forbidding.


The Internal Courtyard, Castell Coch, Cardiff, Wales, Great Britain.
Castell Coch, Cardiff, Glamorgan

After passing through the Gatehouse one enters the Courtyard shown here. Cantilevered galleries and wall-walks run around the inside of the courtyard with some neat and orderly woodwork.


The Courtyard Galley, Castell Coch, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales, Great Britain.
Castel Coch, Cardiff.

A view along the Courtyard Gallery with the Courtyard to the left.


Spiral Staircase, Castell Coch, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales, Great Britain.
Castell Coch, Cardiff.

One thing that this castle has in plenty are staircases both spriral and straight. It can feel like a labyrinth of stairs and passages at times but don't worry you won't get lost.

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