Hampstead Buildings, Hampstead, London, England

Burgh House is a Queen Anne building dating from 1704. Rudyard Kipling's daughter lived in Burgh House between 1933-1937. Rudyard Kipling's last outing in 1936 was to Burgh House to visit his daughter.
The first floor houses the Hampstead Museum, with permanent exhibits on local history and culture. There are also first floor and ground galleries for temporary exhibits of art, local history and culture and a cafe occupies the ground floor.
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Fenton House is a 17th-century merchant's house now owned by the National Trust and open to the public on specific days. It was closed when we were there hence the view through the rather impressive, ornate gates.
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The church of St. John-at-Hampstead in Church Row. There was certainly a church on this site in the early 14th century which eventually became too small for the parish and this church was built in the mid. 18th century.
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