Rotherhithe (3), London, England
The Mayflower Pub, Rotherhithe, London, England, Great Britain

Rumour has it, to avoid paying mooring taxes Christopher Jones tied up alongside the Mayflower pub and the passengers boarded the ship, which then sailed to Plymouth to pick up the remaining passengers before their voyage to America.

The Mayflower pub stands on the site of The Shippe pub which dated back to around 1550.


A leafy Gantry, Rotherhithe, London, England, Great Britain

A little further west is this interesting feature on the rather narrow Rotherhithe Street. It appears to be a gantry of some sort but the plant is obviously trying to take over the world. It does look rather attractive and Amanda thinks that it may be a Wisteria.


The Brunel Museum, Rotherhithe, London, England, Great Britain

The Brunel Museum in Rotherhithe Street tells the story of Brunel's first project; a tunnel under the River Thames. This was the first tunnel in the world to be built under a river and it is still in use by the London Underground trains.

It is still possible to visit the original shaft but check on the museum's web page first.


The Brunel Tunnel Shaft, Rotherhithe, London, England, Great Britain

This is the large original shaft which was dug to start the tunnel. The chairs on the floor below are for visitors to sit during the guide's talk.

The diagonal line on the left-hand side is where the original ramp was for people to descend.

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