Inner and Middle Temple  
Entrance to Middle Temple, London, England, Great Britain
Inner Temple.

This entrance to Inner Temple is from Fleet Street opposite Chancery Lane and was built as a new gateway in 1610 then was, apparently, rebuilt or renovated in 1748.

The principal chamber above the archway, not accessible by the public, has contemporary panelling and the plaster ceiling is decorated with the Prince of Wales' feathers. It was reputed to have been the council chamber of Henry, Prince of Wales (1612), and of Prince Charles (later King Charles I).

Passing through the archway on the right gives access to a lane which leads down to the Temple Church.

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Temple Church, London, England, Great Britain
Inner Temple.

The round part of Temple Church, in Inner Temple, seen from Church Court with part of the Chancel visible to the right. The church is administered and used by both Middle Temple and Inner Temple.

The historic buildings and cobbled streets of Middle and Inner Temples, which give an unique atmosphere, are much used as film locations.

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Sundial in Fountain Court, London, England, Great Britain
Middle Temple.

You will need to look around carefully to find this sundial, showing a date of 1685, high up on a wall in Fountain Court. I'll give you a clue - it's opposite Middle Temple Hall.


The Lower Entrance to Middle Temple, London, England, Great Britain
Middle Temple.

The lower entrance to Middle Temple on the embankment showing Middle Temple Lane beyond.

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