More Streets and Buildings, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England
Hampton Court, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England, Great Britain
King's Lynn, Norfolk.

Hampton Court, near St Margaret's Church, forms a quadrangular shape built up over 300 years starting in the 14th century. It is the bright ochre coloured building on the corner of Nelson Street where it joins St. Margaret's lane. The South Wing was constructed first followed by the West Wing at the end of the 15th century. The East Wing has an arch that leads into the courtyard. The building takes its name from John Hampton, a master baker who became a freeman in 1645. It now comprises 15 individual dwellings.


Nelson Street, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England, Great Britain
King's Lynn, Norfolk.

It may be hard to believe but this street is the same street as in the picture above i.e. Nelson Street. They are different ends of Nelson Street with this one showing what used to be buildings used in the malting process and as granaries.

The projecting parts of the buildings at roof level would have housed hoists to facilitate the movement of grain.


Greyfriars Tower, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England, Great Britain
King's Lynn, Norfolk.

Greyfriars Tower situated in the Tower Gardens stands 93 feet high and leans about a degree and a half to the north west. It was built as a bell tower in the 15th century.

It is open to the public at all times and is free.


Greyfriars Tower Interior, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England, Great Britain
King's Lynn, Norfolk.

This view of the Greyfriars Tower is from under the main arch looking vertically up to the top.

The friary was, of course, demolished on the orders of Henry VIII but the tower was left standing as it was recognised as a navigation aid to seamen.

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