The Devil's Dyke, Sussex
View across the Devil's Dyke, Sussex, England, Great Britain
The Devil's Dyke.

There is a road to the top of the high ground around Devils Dyke and a fairly large car park owned by the National Trust which is Pay & Display except for National Trust Members who may park free.

The highest point is 705 feet and the views round about are pretty amazing. There is also a pub up here so refreshments are readily to hand.


Looking down into the Devil's Dyke, Sussex, England, Great Britain
The Devil's Dyke.

Looking down into the dyke, near the top, from beside the road. It is purported to be the deepest dry valley in the world.


A view around the Devil's Dyke, Sussex, England, Great Britain
The Devil's Dyke.

One of many wonderful views to be seen around Devils Dyke.


The Lower End of the Devil's Dyke, Sussex, England, Great Britain
The Devil's Dyke.

This is the lower end of the dyke where it opens out onto the Wealden plain.
