The Seafront, Eastbourne, Sussex

The seafront along Marine Parade and the beach seen from the pier in the evening light looking rather grand as usual. The appearance of the seafront is due to strict planning laws which forbid shops on the seafront and preserve the line of the hotels.
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The Bandstand on Grand Parade has a varied programme of music throughout the summer season - May to September. There was a brass band concert in progress when we came along on a Saturday afternoon and stopped to listen for a while. Very pleasant.
It's free if you stop nearby and stand and listen but you pay to go into the area directly in front of the bandstand and, of course, you get a seat.
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On Grand Parade, near the pier, we came across this beautiful floral display known as Carpet Gardens.
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There are effectively two promenades - the one we are on here, level with the road, and another lower down just above the beach.
There is also a 'train', known as the Dotto Train, which is a small diesel vehicle disguised as a steam locomotive with about three coaches and all running on rubber tyres, which runs the length of the promenade during the summer months. A fun, slow way to travel.
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