Lewes (3), Sussex
The Barbican Gate, Lewes Castle, Lewes, Sussex, England, Great Britain

This fine Barbican Tower wasn't built until 300 years after the keep and now houses a small museum. Visitors can climb to the top of the tower for some fine views over the town.

The castle was closed during the winter for essential maintenance and was still closed when we were there so we were not able to go in.


The Barbican Archway, Lewes Castle, Lewes, Sussex, England, Great Britain

This view is looking through the Barbican Gate from the High Street side to the street on the other side called, what else, Castle Gate.


Lewes from Castle Hill, Sussex, England, Great Britain

This view shows part of Lewes seen from Castle Hill near the top of Castle Lane looking north-west with the downs in the distance.
