
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain

The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
The National Railway Museum (2), York, Yorkshire, England

National Railway Museum, York.
No 214 Gladstone, built in 1882 and, when withdrawn for preservation in April 1927, had covered 1,346,918 miles on the London Brighton & South Coast Railway.
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National Railway Museum, York.
The Shinkansen (Japanese Bullet Train) from 1976 ran at speeds of up to 130 miles per hour. This is the only example on display outside Japan.
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National Railway Museum, York.
The interior of the Japanese Bullet train looks more like an aircraft than a train.
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National Railway Museum, York.
The KF7 locomotive built in Britain in 1935 for use on the Chinese railways. The weight of the locomotive is 115 tons, the tender 193 tons and the diameter of the driving wheels is 5 feet 8 inches.
Standing next to this locomotive makes it seem gigantic which isn't surprising really - it IS gigantic.
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