Carreg Cennan Castle (2), Carmarthenshire
Main Gatehouse, Carreg Cennen Castle, Carmarthenshire
Carreg Cennen Castle.

The inside view of the Main Gatehouse from the Inner Ward.


View of the Inner Ward, Carreg Cennen Castle, Carmarthenshire
Carreg Cennen Castle.

This is the view from the north-east corner of the Inner Ward looking along the Gatehouse wall (north wall) towards the Hall.


Looking into the Inner Ward, Carreg Cennen Castle, Carmarthenshire
Carreg Cennen Castle.

Looking into the Inner Ward from one of the side rooms.


View of the Inner Ward from a higher level, Carreg Cennen Castle, Carmarthenshire
Carreg Cennen Castle.

The Inner Ward from one of the higher levels on the eastern side and showing the countryside beyond.

Comment An unusual feature