Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire.
View of Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

This astonishing building is a moated manor house built in the very early 16th century, with the last extension being built at the beginning of the 17th century, and is about 5 miles from Congleton.

It looks so wonky because the top floor wasn't in the original plans and the foundations weren't really substantial enough to properly support another storey.


View of the Entrance and Moat, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

The Bridge goes across the moat to the entrance on the right, through the Gatehouse into the Courtyard, and the house is completely surrounded by the Moat shown left. The moat probably was not meant to be a defensive structure but more as a status symbol.

The small tower near the centre of the picture contains garderobes (toilets) which drain directly into the moat.


View of the courtyard, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, Great Britain
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

This is the cobbled courtyard with the Great Hall at the far end.

The two distinct bays have very large windows and much of the original 16th century glazing survives. The left-hand bay window is part of the Great Hall.


The Great Hall, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, Great Britain
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

The Great Hall showing the roof which is supported by arch-braced trusses. The flagstone floor would probably originally have been rush-covered earth with a central hearth.

Part of the large bay window, added in 1559, can be seen on the left.


A Bay Window, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, Great Britain
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

One of the bay windows showing the intricate patterned leading together with some coloured glass.

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