Little Moreton Hall, Congleton Cheshire.
View of the Great Parlour, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

Looking through a doorway into the Parlour and just look at that floor. The colour of the blocks has been arranged such that the pattern appears to be rows of tilted blocks.


Part of the staircase, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

Going upstairs leads one to this staircase junction which, at first, we found visually confusing. You should be able to work out that there is a spiral staircase in the centre and another spiral staircase leading off each side.


A Bedroom, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, Great Britain
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

One of the bedrooms showing one of the substantial carved consoles.

This room would have had access to one of the two garderobes.


Carving in the bedroom, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, Great Britain
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

This is closer view of one of the substantial carved consoles which were inserted not just for decorative effect but to support the weight of the Long Gallery above and have been dated to 1660.


A Privy or Garderobe, Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, Great Britain
Little Moreton Hall, Congleton.

One of the two Garderobes in the building. You may notice that there is a large window but without glass. I'll leave the explanation for that to your imagination.

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