Oxburgh Hall, Oxburgh, Norfolk, England

Oxburgh Hall, a 15th century moated manor house, was built by the Bedingfeld family who have lived here ever since and inside the family's Catholic history is apparent when you visit the secret priest's hole (if you dare).
This view from the south-east is really the 'back' of the house.
This is not the other Oxburgh Hall at Emneth near Wisbech.
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This view from the back shows the low range with the Gatehouse beyond at the front of the house.
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This view is the opposite of the previous view and is from the Gatehouse roof. The house is quadrangular with a large courtyard in the centre which is seen in this view.
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A rather large herbaceous border border which does look very attractive. I wouldn't, however, like to have to keep it weed free.
The plants along the front edge are Catmint and the hedge along the left side of the grass path is Yew.
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The grand fortified Gatehouse seen from the internal courtyard together with some rather garish National Trust deckchairs. The fortification is really only symbolic and is not necessary for defence. The Gatehouse is, however, considered to be a masterpiece of late medieval brickwork.
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