Ancient Buildings, Hastings, Sussex
An Ancient House, High Street, Hastings, Sussex, England, Great Britain
Hastings, Sussex.

This ancient timber-framed house is in High Street on a section of high pavement.


An Ancient House with jettied window, High Street, Hastings, Sussex, England, Great Britain
Hastings, Sussex.

This ancient building in All Saints Street has a rather interesting jettied or oriel window. A variation on the 'Dormer Window' perhaps?


Ancient Houses, All Saints Street, Hastings, Sussex, England, Great Britain
Hastings, Sussex.

These ancient house are in All Saints Street. Both buildings have a jettied upper storey but the farther one also has jettied or Oriel windows at first floor level.


All Saints Church, Hastings, Sussex, England, Great Britain
Hastings, Sussex.

All Saints Church, built in 1436, is the younger of the two medieval churches in Hastings Old Town.

This view is from the east with West Hill in the background.
